Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Ms Socks found her a Mr Socks!!! ~True Love!

First off, Happy Valentines day to all of the couples young and in love or young at heart... Remember there is always someone out there for you if you are single too!
Ms Socks, found her a Mr Socks !
Seriously, tho... I've always been one of those who strongly believes that if you are young and in love and with somebody you know loves you back just the same, that Valentines Day should be treated like a regular day. Why just get some one flowers, candy and cards on one specific day, because that's what the stores want you to do? Valentines day is so commercialized. I'd take a card or a love me love you something every day of the week. Little sweet forget me nots. Berts always finding something little for me, because he knows that's what I like. It can be a case of cokes, or it could be a shopping spree on him. Not just on Valentines Day to show me his love and respect for me. I think personally Valentines day is a silly holiday. Wouldn't you agree??!?!
Anywho... so glad Ms Socks got her cuddle time with someone today! And enjoyed an outing under the tree! LOL. Everyone needs to feel loved!


  1. TOO CUTE! Love it!!! And perfect for Valentine's Day.

  2. Thanks Angela! I even put down my sock monkey pj pants as their "blanket" LOL.

  3. omg, that first photo is perfect! Love it!

  4. Thanks Jennifer! I thought it was too cute! Everyone told me they wanted a Mr Socks photo for valentines day! And they got one LOL. You know I get the most comments on my sock monkey photos?! Weird LOL.
